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Your youth in GRADE 7 to GRADE 12 are NOT going to want to miss this event!

We are taking them on a wilderness experience, hence the name of this event, in BEAUTIFUL Clearwater! We are surrounded by forest, lakes, rivers, mountains and waterfalls! It will be a weekend they will not forget!

They will camp out in tents on the church(boys) and pastors' properties (girls) which are within walking distance of each other! Both are surrounded by forest. The main events and meals will be hosted at the church with the exception of the excursions to hike, tour waterfalls or go to the lake (We will have some drivers available, however, we would appreciate any youth leaders/pastors assistance with transport to these activities--located within Clearwater-- on the Saturday afternoon) 

There will be loads of fun, worship and ministry for your youth to be involved in, it's an awesome opportunity to make new friends too!!

We have a several speakers, inlcuding BC district's very own Allen deJong! Alongside him, we have a few local (to BC!) special speakers, muscians and leaders doing workshops, activities and just being present for you! 

Register HERE

COST: $95/person* includes meals, snacks, your camping space, all events, and a t-shirt!

*youth leaders are half price when bringing youth, every 10 youth registered will be allowed one free leader-- leaders also recieve a special t-shirt (please notify us in the registration if you are registering as a leader- then email for the discount code) 

FYI: It is NOT a requirement to have a leader bring youth! We do encourage youth leaders to join their youth, however, we understand that it might not work out for them to bring the youth, parents can drop off youth, meet the team and then return to pick them up on Sunday afternoon too! 



  • tent, sleeping bag, foamies, pillow, air-mattress (you can share tents within your group- please talk to your leader)
  • clothing- bring appropriate clothing for hot weather, rain, the lake and church. Make sure if you plan to hike you bring proper shoes. Swimsuits.  WARM clothes for the evenings. 
  • Flashlights
  • towels, beach towel, hand towel and face cloths. 
  • toiletries (shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste) 
  • DEODERANT! (we love you, but if you smell nice, we'll love you more!) 
  • Bible, journal, pen, highlighter.
  • Bug spray (we do have mosquitos), Sunscreen. 
  • There is NO POWER to your tents..... it might be wise NOT TO BRING things that require power such as curling/straight irons, electric razers, blow dryers. Chargers will NOT be provided for cell phones, it is recommended to leave cell phones at home, however we understand the "digital age" and some can not live without it, so, we will have a locked up charge station for those who want to charge their phones(signing in and out their phone). Phones are not allowed during services- we see them they get confiscated until the end of service.
  • Cash- you might want to bring cash for ice cream at the lake, drinks for the hike/waterfall tour. Debit cards are not accepted at these places. 


  • drugs, alcohol, pornography, weapons of any kind
  • lighters/matches
  • spray paint
  • anything that is of value (we don't want things to be damaged by weather, lost or stolen) 
  • food (we do have bears, cougars and bobcats...)
  • debit cards/credit cards. 
  • electronics or video games

We will have first aid on site, please let us know if there is anything they need to know in the medical section of the registration form. 

Registration is at 3:30-5pm on Friday. 

Pick-up is around 1pm on Sunday!

It isn't mandatory for youth to attend with their church or youth group, but it is alway encouraging to come with a group of others that you already know! So if you are coming solo, maybe consider bringing a friend! 

BEHAVIOUR: We do expect all students to behaviour in a Christ-like manner at all times during this event.  Behaviour that is contrary to the Bible, will not be tolerated. We will send students home for misbeahviour such as:

  • vandelism
  • possession of porn, drugs, or alcohol.
  • sexual activity of any kind.
  • breaching the boundaries of girl/guy accomodations. 
  • being massively disruptive or rude to any leaders, or speakers.
  • using ungodly language. 

PARENTS: We understand how trusting others with your youth can be stressful, we want to assure you that all our leaders have been throroughly interviewed and have succeeded record checks. We also know that things to arise that you might need to get a hold of someone, please feel free to contact Pastor Naomi at 250-674-2345 (call/text) with any questions/concerns. 




